Hearing Assistance Systems

We work with Induction Loops, Infra Red Systems, FM wireless and WiFi based systems to provide fully compliant and effective solutions for people with a hearing disability. We have designed and installed systems in a big variety of locations around New Zealand and also have tested many of the systems currently installed in the South Island. I qualified as an IQP (Independent Qualified Person) in 2008 when the changes to the building code required the regular testing of these systems for Building WOF compliance.

We have access to design computers in Europe and can test designs on these to model the performance of an induction loop in a room. We have experience with the heavy reinforcing now being used in Christchurch buildings and with the metal loss issues this creates. We can design and install a system that will meet the requirements of the Building Code section G5 and the Standard for Access NZS4121:2001 and AS 60118-4:2007. Properly installed systems deliver the results expected by those who will benefit from these systems.

Sound system
Setting up a sound system in Te Puke